Thursday, December 6, 2012

Last Leaves - Photo 1 Final Project

Last Leaves
Capturing the last of Fall before Winter covers the earth

     My theme for my final project was 'Last Leaves'. I wanted to photograph the rest of the leaves left on the trees before they finished falling or were covered in snow. I appreciate the message that can be gathered from these stragglers. The storms and winds that have ravaged the trees throughout the fall were unable to conquer these stalwart leaves. To capture this I chose to photograph trees, leaves and branches isolated against a simple background (the sky where possible), to avoid any distraction from the subjects.
     A second theme I wanted to capture was the change in the season itself. I did not aim for vibrant colors as that would better fit Autumn in its prime, nor did I want to use completely bleak or gray colors and hues as this would describe much of winter. Instead I used a mixture of the two, simple colors or black and white with a touch of gray to represent the transitional period between the two seasons.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Haunted Forest (Spooky Assignment)

Beings in the dark

To the Sky...


 Life and Death
 X Marks the Spot

 Reaching Out

 Strange Giants

 Something Wicked This Way Comes

Rising in the Sky

In the moonlight

Ghostly Apparitions